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Who can become a reviewer/Referral for IJNTI?

A person who have the degree of Ph.D in the relevant field of engineering OR have the completed Master in Engineering relevant field and have minimum 5 year experience in the same field. In short, anyone who is an expert in the article’s research field.

Advantages for become the Reviewer/Referral

  • Reviewers/Referral are important to us; IJNTI’s RMS aims to engage reviewers/Referral and reward them for the work they do.
  • Reviewer/Referral get remuneration for the reviewing research article.
  • If reviewer/Referral recommend his/her colleague /students for publish the paper in IJNTI then Reviewer got the discount amount from the IJNTI.
  • Getting involved in the peer review process can be a highly rewarding experience that can also improve your own research and help to further your career.
  • Reviewer/Referral got the certificate from the IJNTI.
  • Improve your reputation and increase your exposure to key figures in the field.
  • Stay up to date with the latest literature, and have advanced access to research results.
  • Develop critical thinking skills essential to research.
  • Advance in your career – peer review is an essential role for researchers.