Published Thesis


  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00007

  Registration ID - 231455

 Pages: 357-393

 Year: January-2025


  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


We often see news in our television, smart televisions, mobile phones, laptops, computers and also in many more gadgets to see the current situation that is happening around the world. Here, we will use the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) algorithms to make an AI news anchors in order to enlighten the work of the human news anchors and also to optimize the work. The main purpose of using GAN is to create the awareness to the viewers is to understand the differences between the fake news and the real news that is being discovered on the television, laptops, mobile phones etc. so that they do not get trapped that was preplanned by the generalists, media, corrupt politicians. So, the idea to create the AI news anchors is that they are not biased, partial and are not pressurized like human news anchors to spread the fake news. We will also implement some solutions so that the current challenges, limitations can be resolved properly and also it will hope to have the positive feedback from the viewers to decide if the news anchors performed by AI is deemed to be fit along with the news anchors performed by human beings or not. We will also use technologies in the GAN algorithms to optimize the performance of the news anchors performed by AI. What we want from the viewers is that they must understand if the news anchors performed by AI is creating any major positive impact must give their feedback and suggest some solutions if any change is required or not so that the features must be added to the AI news anchors. As a result, the further process will be decided by the human beings that has created the AI news anchors, to modify the changes in it to perform more in a better and more in a systematic way. Using GAN in the news anchors performed by AI will be very useful in the longer run and the viewers will be able to take the maximum benefit in a positive way, so that they may be clever, intelligent, sharp-minded.


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Artificial Intelligence, Robot Journalism, Context Understanding, Regulation, Policy, Technology, Perceptions, Chinese media, News anchors, Watch intention, Inherent cognition, Science Communication, Public Perception, Live Streaming.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition

Thesis Title: The Impact of Media on Theology

  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00006

  Registration ID - 231395

 Pages: 307-356

 Year: December-2024

  Author Name(s): Tharani Jaiprakash

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


My thesis paper which discusses impact of media on Theology and which scored an A and 2nd distinction in my University Grading.


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  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00005

  Registration ID - 231206

 Pages: 268-306

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Sana Farheen

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


Phool makhana is a highly nutritious ingredient which is rarely used in daily life. It contains high amounts of antioxidants, protein, fiber, calcium and iron. In the light of beneficial effects of phool makhana, the present study was aimed at popularizing phool makhana based products in daily diet of all age groups by formulating easy recipes. As per the study it was found that the majority of people were aware of phool makhana but was not using it in their eating habits. Two innovative recipes containing phool makhana, cereals and vegetables were developed with variations which contained makhana in different quantities. Variation III and Variation II of mixed vegetable makhana cutlet and masala makhana mathri respectively were most accepted by the subjects. Prosucts developed contained good amount of calcium, iron, protein and fiber and is affordable.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition


Phool Makhana, Foxnuts, nutrition, content, antioxidants, protein, Fibre, iron and calcium, beneficial, consumer awareness, standardised, evaluated.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition

Thesis Title: Over 50 years, how the trend in capital structures have emerged, with a particular emphasis on corporate cast holding?

  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00004

  Registration ID - 230954

 Pages: 227-267

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Kushagra Jain, Shriya Jagwayan, Nikhil Gupta

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


Over the last half-century, corporate finance strategies in capital structure and cash holdings have been influenced by deep economic, regulatory, and technological changes. A company's financial decisions evolve with the changing landscape of the economy, like swings in interest rates, market volatilities, and tax reforms. If cash holding becomes more prevalent, then a study of the relationship between firms' capital structure and the more general external factors influencing this growth is also significant. Cash reserves are frequently inspired by Precautionary reasons. Variations in financial restrictions and agency conflicts. All these impact choices about leverage. This paper suggests an empirical analysis. We will study the trends in corporate cash holdings. We will also look at capital structure over the previous 50 years. This represents a quest at an attempt to analyze trends and drivers of capital structure on corporate performance and deepen into focus on a most recent fifty years of developments by corporate cash holdings. The paper provides an in-depth review of changes within financial landscapes, factors determining capital that have implications for the growth, stability, and competitiveness of organizations within markets by the end. Indeed, the economy, regulations, and technology had a momentum enough to impact decisions on corporate finances more particularly cash holding patterns.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition


Capital structure,Corporate cash holdings,Liberalization,Debt financing,Equity financing, Macroeconomic variables ,Corporate governance , Financial flexibility, Financial regulations, Interest rates, Tax reforms, Leverage, Economic cycles, Agency, conflicts, Shareholder value, Liquidity, Growth opportunities, Market dynamics,Indian corporate finance


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition

Thesis Title: Mental Health and Stress in relation to Creativity of Prospective teachers

  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00003

  Registration ID - 230862

 Pages: 66-226

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): PRATIMA SINGH

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


Present study titled “Mental Health and Stress in relation to Creativity of Prospective teachers” conducted onB.Ed. and BTC degree colleges prospective teachers taking training in Faizabad District. Descriptive survey method was implied to collect the data of the study. 500 prospective teachers have been selected by using multi stage stratified random sampling technique as a sample of the study. These prospective teachers are selected on the basis of gender, area and type of colleges from the B.Ed. and BTC colleges of Faizabad District. Mental Health prepared by Pramodkumar"sTeacher's Stress by VijayaLaxmi and ShrutiNarayan and Creativity constructed by BaqerMehndiscale have been used to collect the data. Descriptive and inferential statistics (mean, standards derivation, t-value and ANOVA) have been used for analyzing and interpreting the data and its finding are conducted as: - 1.There is significant difference in all dimensions of Mental Health of prospective teacherslike Emotional Stability, Over-all Adjustment, Autonomy, Security-Insecurity, Self-Concept and Intelligence in the context to gender and locale.2. There is significant difference in the Stress of prospectiveteachers in the context to gender and locale.3. There is significant difference in all dimensions of Creativity of prospective teacherslike Fluency, Flexibility and Originalityin the context to gender and locale.4. There is significant difference among Mental Health of low, medium and high Creativity of Prospective teachers. So the ProspectiveTeacher of low, medium and high Mental Health is different in their Creativity. So the low creative Prospective teachers having low Mental Health thanmedium creativeProspectiveTeachers and the medium creative Prospective teachers having lowMental Health than high and finally find out that high creativeProspective Teachers having high Mental Health than low creative Prospective teachers in the context to gender and locale. 5. There is significant difference among Stress of low, medium and high Creativity of Prospective teachers. So the Prospective Teacher having low, medium and high Stress is different in their Creativity. So the low creative Prospective teachers having high Stress than medium creative Prospective Teachers and the medium creative Prospective teachers having high Stress than high creative Prospective teachers and finally find out that low creative Prospective Teachers having low Stress management than high creative Prospective teachers in the context to gender and locale.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition


Mental Health and Stress in relation to Creativity of Prospective teachers


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition

Thesis Title: Employee Engagement in Bhutan Development Bank Limited

  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00002

  Registration ID - 230190

 Pages: 34-65

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Chimi Dorji

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


Employee Engagement in Bhutan Development Bank Limited


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition


Employee Engagement in Bhutan Development Bank Limited


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 and The Open Definition

Thesis Title: Formulation Development

  Published Thesis ID: - JETNRTH00001

  Registration ID - 230072

 Pages: 1-33

 Year: December-2023

  Author Name(s): Bhagyashri Dipak Birari, Bhagyashri Satish Karad, Aditi Deepak Ganaguarde, Jayesh Ravsaheb Pagar

  Publisher Name: RJPN (IJPublication) Janvi Wave


Because it ensures product quality, safety, and efficacy, formulation development is a crucial component of pharmaceutical research and development. From discovery research to and including market approval, the many stages of formulation development are intertwined with the processes of product development. Each pharmaceutical product calls for a specially designed formulation because of the complexity of several pathways that could impact product stability, the unique properties of the medicinal molecule, unique patient requirements, and even marketing concerns. A rational design, relying on scientific theories and applying these insights to thousands of components, are the foundations of several approaches that can be used in the formulation development process. In order to make the processes understandable and the significance of formulation creation, pre-formulation, and SOPP handling clear.


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Flow properties, physicochemical properties, Lotion, Paracetamol, equipment’s etc


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